Our Time In Europe
Sometimes we still have to pinch ourselves as a family to see if it wasn't just a grand dream - we had the incredibly great fortune to live in Europe for four years, from September 1991 through July 1995. When we arrived, Megan was 11 and Audrey was 9, and when we left they were 15 and 13. We lived all four years in a suburb of Stuttgart Germany called Möhringen. While we were there the girls attended an International School (the International School of Stuttgart - ISS). As a family, and as part of the ISS curriculum, we took every possible opportunity to travel to as many places as we could, and see and experience as much as we could. Elsewhere on this web are some indications of that, with a small smattering of photos from Europe, and a collection of beer descriptions.
I tried to keep a journal of sorts while we were there (sometimes with more success than others) of the places we visited and the sites we saw. I've collected them together here, and tied them to a reference map, not only to share them with you but also to keep them alive in us, for as time passes the experiences tend to fade back into the fog of our memories, and I for one want to keep them vivid as long as possible. Some of these descriptions are more detailed and complete than others. Some also have accompanying photos. Where appropriate, I've updated the text with new information and insights, since most of the narrative was written at the time of the visits.....
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