Calwer Eck Bräu
Calwer Eck Bräu is a local microbrewery in downtown Stuttgart (on Calwer Straße, on the corner, the "Eck"). They have a number of different kinds of beer, and even beer schnapps. Their regular fare is a bit cloudy, and about as fresh tasting as you can find - because it is! They pump it up from the cellar to the tap in the bar, and from there it goes straight into your glass.
They also sell their beer in half liter ceramic top bottles (expensive compared to regular German beer in the grocery stores), 5 liter aluminum kegs (cute - make them into lamps when they're empty), and beautiful 2 liter ceramic-topped jugs with fancy pewter handles carved into the shape of dragons (what a conversation piece)! The brewery is small enough that their beer doesn't get to travel too far, but I think most of it gets consumed on the premises anyway!
Whereas the beer is stupendous, the food is mediocre. The lunch fare is passable, but the dinner fare is left-over lunch fare, reheated in the microwave. Don't go here to eat, there are thousands of better places to get food, but not many places with better beer.
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