Lynn & Gene's Renewal  Wedding Vows
July 4, 1999
Rev. Thomas J. Naughton, officiating


New Pastoral Greeting

Friends, both old and new, we have come together today to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the union of Lynn and Eugene in Holy Matrimony. They have requested our presence on this day, witnesses to the happiness which they have shared together, and to the love they feel for each other. If we choose to let it, their love for each other will become a bond for us all to share, a bond that will tie us together with this happy couple. They ask us today to share in this continued love; to witness it, to cherish it, and to never let it slip from our minds, to know that it lives on through eternity.

Their love for each other, combined with God’s blessing, has been their "buckler and shield." Though the future was and is uncertain at times, their love of God and each other has seen them through the hard times; for in traveling life’s road together, the good times seem twice as good, but the bad times only half as bad.



Poem Reading - Audrey

How sweet it is to love someone,
How right it is to care,
How warm it is to know that love
Is now and not a dream.

My shining star to guide my way,
My life, my every breath,
You ease my load, you smooth my path,
I live for you alone.

Together we’ll fulfill our souls,
Our lives will shine with love.
A never-ending ring of light,
A circle ‘round the sun.

We’ll build a home with our sweet love,
More solid than an oak.
Our children will all glow with love,
Each one a part of us.

Come share my life, come be my love,
Come marry me today.
How sweet it is to love someone,
How right it is to care.



Blessing – Fr. Tom

Let us Pray:-

Giver of every good and perfect gift, we bring You hearty thanks for the joy that is in all our hearts this day, and especially in the hearts of these two, our friends. We rejoice that their ways in life brought them to each other 25 years ago, and that together they have journeyed to this place where now they stand, still together. Most of all we thank You for that best of all Your gifts, the love that has bonded their hearts as one for these many years.

And now renew in them, we pray, with all realization of the deep significance of what they did 25 years ago and do again today, a yet deeper joy in the love that they share. Renew and strengthen within their hearts, through all the years they have lived together and will live together, the spirit of these promises that they now make again to each other. May their path through life continue to be as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.




Renewal of Vows

I, Gene, renew my promise to have you, Lynn, be my wife; to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live.


I, Lynn, renew my promise to have you, Gene, be my husband; to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live.



Song - Megan

The Wedding Song



Closing Blessing – Fr. Tom

Let us Pray:-

Almighty Father, look graciously on Lynn and Gene that they may continue to love, honor, and cherish each other, and so live together in faithfulness and patience, in trust and true wisdom, that their home may be a haven of blessing and a place of peace. May all that is noble, lovely, and true abide within them, and us all, forever.
