Valedictorian Address
Kevin Quinn

[Please Read the CAVEAT]

Valedictorian - Kevin Quinn.jpg (18286 bytes)Good Afternoon parents, friends, family, faculty, invited guests, and the Class of 98. We've spent four years here at Woburn High School and today celebrates and congratulates us for those years. As a class, we have come to show that we can do a lot when we put our minds to it. We stand for a lot of what is good in America's youth today, and I think that the community as a whole can be proud of us for what we do and for all the stereotypes of today's youth that we try not to represent. I truly am honored to have been a part of a class like this.

Now, though, we must look towards the future. Today is called commencement, meaning the beginning, because it marks a new start to our lives. One of more independence and freedom, where we make our own decisions, and have to live with the consequences, whether they're good or bad. To paraphrase a famous TV character, "There comes an event in everyone's life that will change everything. How you react at that moment could determine the course your life takes."

For many of us, this could be that event. We have to react to the change that this graduation brings to our lives. No longer do we have to think about getting to homeroom on time to avoid a late session, but now we have to worry about what to do with the rest of our lives. Whether we accept this change as a challenge or try and ignore it could be a decisive factor in how our futures begin.

The future should certainly be embraced at a time like this, but our successes in the past here should and will not be erased. However, Cato once said, "The best way to keep good acts in memory is to refresh them with new ones." So, as our high school careers are over and we have already proven ourselves here by making it through all four years, we now have to solidify these successes with new accomplishments in other areas. Be it college, work, the army, or any other area, if we want to continue to make a good name for ourselves, we have to continually prove that we are worthy of that good name.

Continuing our successes will not be easy, as I'm sure many of the things we had to do to succeed here were not easy, but if there are any non - academic lessons that I will take away from my years in high school, it's that hard work provides a lot more satisfaction and recognition than an easy grade. Arthur Helps once said that the worst use of success is to boast of it. Here we are, more than 200 of us, celebrating one of the greatest successes of our young lives as we complete 12 years of education. We have every right to be proud of ourselves today. However, we can't just sit back and relax now that this phase of our lives is over. In order to secure our futures as the leaders of tomorrow and to leave our mark, we have to persevere and keep accomplishing things.

Few people can be considered successful by accomplishing only one thing in their life. No, the true success stories are those that involve people who try hard to succeed again and again, no matter what they have already accomplished. Would Michael Jordan be considered the greatest basketball player ever if after one NBA championship, he hung it up and said, "That's enough for me."? Of course not. Would Harrison Ford be considered the biggest box office draw in the world if after Star Wars, he stopped making movies? No. If Edison had stopped inventing things after he became successful, Harrison Ford wouldn't even have had a chance to make those movies.

T.H. Huxley said, "The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher." Today, our diplomas put our collective foot on the first rung of the ladder. We now have to climb higher until we reach the level at which we want to be. Whether you want to make it to the top or not is your own choice. Now, as for today, we all will walk away from this event with a piece of paper that says we graduated from Woburn High. No matter what we chose to do with our time here, we all must now take this piece of paper into the world and do something with it. Only we can choose how our education here will serve us in the future. Whatever you choose, I wish everyone the best of luck.

Thank you.